Friday, September 10, 2010

When Social Media Goes Wrong

One of the best things about Twitter, at least in my opinion, is that readers like me have access to a variety of authors.  Though they could tweet simply for self-promotion, I've found that most authors like to interact with their audience and are very engaging.  So as I was lounging one Sunday morning at Bedside Baptist, where Joel Osteen is my pastor, I happened to catch the monologue you see below.

Some would ask what was wrong with that twenty-six minute speech.  Well twitter is about interaction.  If your whole purpose in getting on Twitter to tell people about your catalog of books in hopes of getting them to visit your website, then you're doing social media wrong. In addition, if you're an author and someone is following you, it's pretty safe to assume that they're already a fan of your work.  Why are you telling them about everything you've already written? They know! Try telling them about what you're working on, getting their feedback on what you've written, asking them about what they would like to see in the future.

How do I know the author doesn't interact with his audience, besides the fact that he completely ignored questions that I, and others, directed at him?  As soon as I tweeted about what I saw unfolding, without revealing the author's name, no less than five people immediately tweeted me and guessed correctly that it was indeed Omar Tyree.  Lest you think I posted this because my feelings were hurt that he didn't respond to me, I can assure they were not.  My question to him was in regards to his book, Pecking Order, which I reviewed here last year.  I was simply hoping for an answer, as was everyone else that tried to tweet with him.

So what has been your experience with authors on Twitter? Do you prefer the more engaging authors or is it enough for you to simply read their tweets without interaction?  By the way, if you like authors that interact, check out the Authors of Color Online page.  There are plenty of engaged authors that would be more than happy to tweet with you.

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