Georgia Brown firmly believes in supporting her man. So even though Marvin hasn't held down a job since he was laid off from the plant, she continues to support him. Living with his parents is no walk in the park, especially with two kids, but it's all they can afford while Marvin insists on working on a comedy career.
Fast forward and Marvin's spot on a prime time comedy competition has launched his career in radio. Much like the jokes that he told to win the competition, his radio show focuses on what a bad wife Georgia is. She's been the butt of his jokes for so many years that she doesn't even bother listening to his show anymore.
Marvin's bank account and ego have grown since he won the show. He knows that Georgia is a supportive wife, in fact, she's his rock. That doesn't stop him from seeking the attention of other women who are only too happy to please a nationally syndicated radio host. His arrogance knows no bounds and the only thing that humbles him is the gambling debt he owes.
When a woman from Marvin's past shows up on Georgia's doorstep with a 13 year old daughter in tow, Georgia has just about reached her limit. The sweet Georgia Brown that Marvin has walked over for years is no more. In her place is a woman that knows what she wants and how to get it.
What did you like about this book?
It was a quick and easy read. The author does a good job of making Georgia very likable and Marvin very unlikable. I also appreciated the fact that the story line wasn't predictable, though it could have been.
What didn't you like about this book?
What could the author do to improve this book?
As despicable as Marvin was, I would have liked to see him suffer more.
Published January 2008
Theme: Love T.K.O. by Regina Belle

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