Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer Reading List Update for July

The month of July has been a great one for lit.  I've read so many good books.  It's like the good book fairies are somewhere raining down great stories just for me.  So let's go over what I've read this month.

What I Said I Would Read
32 Candles by Ernessa T. Carter - Loved it!
The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin - Loved it!
A Taste of Honey: Stories by Jabari Asim - Loved it!
Under the Dome by Stephen King - Sitting on the floor mocking me
The Sacred Place by Daniel Black - Meh
The Gettin Place by Susan Straight - Sitting on the floor mocking me
Blacker Than A Thousand Midnights by Susan Straight - Sitting on the floor mocking me
Red Hats by Damon Wayans - Meh
Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls - Too serious for summer
Eddie Signwriter by Adam Schwartzman - Couldn't get into it
Confessions of A Prep School Mommy Handler by Wade Rouse - Couldn't get into it

These weren't on my list, but the book fairy sent them my way.

Address: House of Corrections by Monice Mitchell Simms - Loved it!
Searching for Tina Turner by Jacqueline Luckett - Twas aight
Platinum by Aliya S. King - Twas aight
Substitute Me by Lori L. Tharps - Loved it!

See what I mean? I'm not committing myself to any particular books for August.  I've got a stack of ARCs and library books mocking me from the bedroom to the living room.  My goal is to keep the subject matter light.

What did you read this month? What's on your list for August?


  1. This month I've been reading more than I usually do.
    Eleven Minutes- Paulo Coehlo: Started out strong but the action slowed down and I put it down.
    The Shack- WM Paul Young: My book club's first read, strong writing and kind of deep for summer but I'm still pushing through.
    Watercolored Pearls
    Nothing But the Right Thing: Both by Stacy Hawkins Adams, my second attempt at Christian fiction and I was really blessed by this series. The book is not drama-centered and it has nice little nuggets of wisdom.
    The Education of Robert Nifkin-Daniel Pinkwater: I dabble in YA fiction. This was a fast read and I don't know that I got much else from it except comic relief here and there. 175 pages went really fast.

    LOL @ ur diagnosis: Too serious for summer. There are some books just meant for serious and depressing times like the winter! The summer time is meant for light, airy, romantic stuff. I totally agree!

  2. Those first two sound a little intense. I'm not big on Christian lit, but I am trying to work my way through a Victoria Christopher Murray book. We'll see how that goes.

    We've got a few YA readers amongst the crew here that would probably be interested in The Education...

  3. I'm ashamed to admit it but I only read 3 books :-/ They were quick, very quick reads.....
    The Universe Is Inviting You In - Horne, Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity - MacLeod and The Laws of Thinking - Bernard

    The first book I'll read in August is Gifted Hands - Carson, whatever I read after that will just be the first thing I grab off of my bookshelf

  4. No need to be ashamed. It's summer. Everyone should be out taking in fresh air and what not. And it sounds like the three books you read were pretty heavy stuff.

    I saw the television movie based on Gifted Hands, but haven't read the book. Please be sure to let us know what you think of it.

  5. Wow, you read a lot. I'm looking forward to reading Substitute Me. Will you be doing a review? I want to read Baba Segi before the summer is done.

  6. Look for a review of Substitute Me in mid-August. The official release date is August 24. I don't want to post a review too far in advance because I want people to remember to buy it when it comes out. Of course, you can pre-order just based on my "loved it" comment :-)

    You've definitely got to pick up a copy of Baba Segi. It was an enjoyable read and worthy of the small screen, HBO perhaps?
