Set in the midwest in the 1950s, October Suite, is the story of two sisters, Vergie and October. Raised by their spinster aunts after the brutal murder of their mother by their father, Vergie and October are plagued by a case of sibling rivalry. The rivalry only worsens when October, an unmarried schoolteacher living in Kansas, gives birth out of wedlock to the son of a married man. Returning home to her aunts and her married sister in Ohio, October can't muster up an ounce of compassion for her newborn son. Overwhelmed by what lies before her, she offers the baby to her sister and brother-in-law, knowing that they've not been able to conceive.
October returns to her life in Kansas determined to make a new start. As she begins to rebuild, she realizes that the one thing missing is the son she left behind in Ohio. Knowing that she agreed to never lay claim to him and to never tell him she's his mother, October is torn when she returns to Ohio for the holidays. Sensing that October wants her son back, Vergie fights back with words that she knows will surely hurt her, the truth about their father.
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This book sounds kind of interesting...though I admit I am mostly drawn in by the fact that one of the characters is a teacher. How would you rate this book?