Mike Washington is a professional football player with a heart of gold. His desire to help those less fortunate leads him to open a boys and girls club in the area. When Taylor LaRue stumbles into the facility offering to teach dance classes, Mike dreams of taking her on a spin around the dance floor himself.
What did you like about this book?
This was a cute and easy read.
What didn't you like about this book?
There was nothing really surprising or exciting about it. Parts of the story line were predictable, though that did not discourage me from finishing the book.
What could the author do to improve this book?
I would have liked to see the role of Taylor's mother expanded beyond what we're given as readers. She jumps from sweet, southern girl to bitter old woman. Though there is a brief explanation, it's not really enough to fully understand why she is the way she is.
370 pp
Published March 2010
Theme: Second Time Around by Shalamar
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