You may or may not have noticed that I've been taking more frequent blogging breaks and posting sporadically when I do blog. That's happened for a few reasons, but mostly because I'd rather read than review any day. But if I want the good people that publish books to continue sending me books I want to read, I have to review them. However, I don't have to review them all here.
Starting this week, I'll be posting reviews of books that I've given four or five luxurious chairs to here. All other books will be reviewed very briefly over on my Goodreads account as time allows. Also, instead of posting Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I'll be posting on Saturdays and Sundays, since those tend to be the days that people read my posts the most.
Occasionally, I'll post during the week, but only if I'm participating in a blog tour or if a publisher requests that I post on a specific date. Otherwise, check me out on the weekends.
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