Captain's Log, Stardate 2011.01.07 I wrote a really cute blog about books and Kindles, but in the middle of making a minor change, Blogger deleted it for me. So now you get the abbreviated version.
Last year I wrote about my love for the library and how I'd never give it up for an e-reader (Why I'll Never Quit the Library for eBooks). Back in October my father offered to buy one for my birthday and I was all, "No, DaddyO, just give me some loot." Needless to say, he treated me like Charlie Brown and I got nothing. Lesson learned: Never look a gift horse in the mouth or you'll end up with a mouth full of hay. Wait, what? It made sense when I said it in my head.
So I open the first box and see that it has some kind of Kindle holder on the outside, but I figure she's just re-used a box and put something else inside. But then I opened the second box and, yes ladies and gentlemen, it was a Kindle. Normally I'm cooler than the other side of the pillow. On the outside I was all meh. But on the inside? I was all:
One of the biggest perks of the Kindle is that I'm able to receive e-galleys and ARCs from publishers, eliminating trips to the post office in hopes that a book I've requested has come in. The question is, am I ready to quit paper books yet? Heck no, and here's why:
- Normally I read three to four books a week. With the Kindle I'm only reading two to three. There's something about the opaque screen that doesn't sit right with me.
- Amazon is in the money making business so they try to limit my reading options to pdfs and books I can buy on their site. My co-worker has a Nook and is able to download books directly from the library. Of course there's a workaround for Kindle users, but I shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to read a book.
- I'm easily distracted while using a Kindle. I don't think my brain has yet learned that it's not just another toy like my iPhone.
- I love wandering the aisles of the library and bookstores. What aisles am I wandering on Amazon?
- I would still miss the cast of characters at the library: Nonchalant Librarian, Intense Librarian, Crotchety Lady Librarian, Sympathetic & Apologetic Librarian and Sterling, my favorite librarian.
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