Get Caught Reading an Author of Color - Blogger Amy Bowllan wants you to catch people reading books by authors of color and send her a picture of it. Amy blogs over at Writers Against Racism and her goal is to get 100 authors of color posted by September. Please send jpeg snapshots to her, via e-mail, with a short blurb about the setting and who is in the picture, name of the book, author etc. to
Call for Submissions - Tu Books, an imprint of Lee & Low Books, publishes speculative fiction for children and young adults featuring diverse characters and settings. Their focus is on well-told, exciting, adventurous fantasy and science fiction novels featuring people of color set in worlds inspired by non-Western folklore or culture.
They are looking specifically for stories for both middle grade (ages 8-12) and young adult (ages 12-18) readers. For more info on where to submit a manuscript, visit them at Tu Books
32 Candles Chat - Don't forget to join us here at 8 p.m. CST/6 p.m. PST for our chat with Ernessa T. Carter, author of 32 Candles. If you haven't already, enter your email address in the upper left corner for a reminder. It promises to be a fun hour.
Mmm, mmm good - Of course I can't let you start your weekend off without a little eye candy. He joined the staff at Seattle Grace last season, but budget cuts in a newly merged hospital meant he could be let go at any moment. Luckily, Shonda Rhimes and the crew at Grey's Anatomy found a way to make him permanent. I'm fond of calling him Racially Ambiguous Guy, but his real name is Jesse Williams and you can catch him every Thursday this fall on ABC.
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